That is why we are sharing this article that comes from Bud Williams titled, Our McNabs. It is long and so interesting, beginning with the Williams' first encounter with these dogs in 1957. As they share their recollections, you will glean some of the history of how a number McNabs were developed. "Dean Witter, the owner of Lone Pine, imported several solid red Kelpies. These were crossed with the McNabs, and some very good dogs resulted. These cross-bred dogs were all black with very little white on them. However, little concern was given to breeding a McNab to a McNab. The only consideration was to breed a good working bitch to a good working dog, no matter what they looked like. At this time, in Northern California, a “McNab” was any short-haired stock dog that had a very strong go-to-the-lead instinct. They had no “eye” and were very tough and strong willed."
Head on over for a fascinating read, along with pictures of some McNabs from the past